Monday, December 5, 2011

So we have been trying to introduce having the girls teach our Family Home Evening lessons on Mondays.  It has been a lot of fun to see their view on gospel topics, and also the objects they use in their lessons.  Last week we had Bella teach us about the birth of our Savior.  with Violet being Mary and Lily being Jesus. (we have to make due with what we have)


  1. hey amber! this is lindsay peterson formally known as nelson. i got your darling christmas card in the mail and wished it had a return address so i could send you one...oh well, thank heavens for social media:) i do blog but no facebook (i'm the last one on earth).
    your little family is too cute! please teach me how to get a girl...

  2. Hey guys! I am so excited that you sent us a Christmas card! I also am so happy you have started this blog! Your family is darling! I hope you will keep in touch! So nice to see how you are all doing.

  3. Time for a new post!
